I am so proud to be a product of two great legacies from both my Mom’s side and my Dad’s side. I didn’t grow to learn and appreciate the legacy of my dad’s side until well into my adulthood. I’m here today, like so many of my family, as a testimony of God’s grace and His faithfulness, as we honor those generations that have gone before us and paved the way.
Special shout-out to my cousin, Greg, who filled in this wonderful gap for me. He has put in so much work in conducting research and tying in the history and legacy of our ancestors on my dad’s side. In my quest to answer the age-old questions, “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” I began a personal quest to discover who I am in light of all of the less than positive messaging I have received about my person in society. My journey led me to the Continent and my desire to connect with my ancestors. Little did I realize that the answers for me were hidden in plain sight. I owe the key that unlocked this door to my identity to Greg. He sent me a private message that changed my life and my whole perspective back on May 31, 2019.
You will find information on the website dedicated to my Dinah and her descendants from the pages of The Quilts of Gees Bend, Atlanta Tinwood Books, 2002. The information has been printed as direct quotes from the pages of the book (pp. 92-93). The account from Arlonzia reflects the African oral tradition of passing down the legacy from one generation to the next. Thanks so much to her for sharing these stories. Now they are alive for many generations to come.